
March 24, 2020
Posted in bg视讯


Many of you have heard recent calls by elected officials to further increase social distancing at parks and other outdoor gathering places. Be assured that bg视讯 is committed to implementing stringent social distancing at our food access points; it is a vital action everyone must take in our shared efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

同时也请了解bg视讯客户的安全, our staff, our farmers – and all New Yorkers - remains our number-one concern during this extremely difficult time. 这不仅仅是口头上的. We have taken (and will continue to take) decisive action to create the safest places to access fresh produce. bg视讯一直走在潮流的前面. Our current protocols are being used as a model for farmers markets across the nation.

举几个例子, bg视讯已经禁止公众接触农产品, and we require that only gloved farm staff handle the selection and bagging of products. We’ve discontinued product sampling and reconfigured our markets, barricading food from direct public access and dictating additional space for social distancing. (A full list of our current food safety and social distancing protocols, 以及bg视讯正在实施的那些, are listed below.)

And, with the support of the city, we are doing more each day to increase social distancing. This includes spreading our farmer tents further apart; taking over additional public space to expand market footprints; increasing safety signage; and redeploying staff from our other programs to enforce social distancing. bg视讯正在努力制定所有这些和其他安全协议. In fact, bg视讯 is temporarily pausing (for two days only) its Greenmarket operations until this Wednesday, March 25, 2020. During this time, Greenmarket staff will prepare additional measures we can take to ensure your safety, 还有bg视讯的农民和员工.

While it may be easy to confuse our essential operations at parks and other public spaces with non-essential public activities that have been prohibited or discouraged, 人们必须吃饭,这是一个简单的事实——即使是在危机中, especially a crisis that has shuttered many usual food access points.

Healthy, fresh produce is more vital today than it ever has been. For example, our markets process over $1 million in SNAP/EBT (formally known as food stamps) and Health Bucks (a city SNAP incentive program) each year, 以及价值两百万美元的农贸市场营养券, 为WIC受助人及长者提供服务. These programs are only redeemable at farmers markets like Greenmarkets and cannot be used online or at grocery stores. (点击这里了解更多有关这些项目的信息.)

It is important to note that under Governor Cuomo’s recent Executive Order, food outlets like our Greenmarket农民 Markets and bg视讯’s other food access outlets are designated as an “essential business.” (A copy of the governing language is copied below, and the full Order can be found here.)

bg视讯一直与州和市卫生官员保持联系, bg视讯将继续调整和改进bg视讯的业务. bg视讯相信露天农贸市场, 有透明的监管链, 减少了从农场到餐桌的运输时间, 以及适当的安全和保持社交距离, are critically important places for the public to access the food they need. bg视讯每天都在让它们变得更安全、更好.

Our farmers and staff appreciate the outpouring of support that we’ve received over the past several days on social media regarding our intense efforts to keep our markets open as a way for New Yorkers to get fresh, 危机期间的健康食品. We’re also taking note of all concerns that have been expressed and folding them into our evolving safety measures and policies.

这对每个人来说都是艰难的时刻. It’s important that we all support each other and treat each other with respect and kindness.


bg视讯邀请您与bg视讯联系,有任何问题或疑虑 info@bifa0070.com.



Marcel Van Ooyen



bg视讯 /Greenmarket的安全和社交距离协议:

In addition to the already implemented safety protocols listed below, bg视讯正在计划进一步的安全措施. At all markets where we have the ability to spread out (down a sidewalk or into other adjacent vacant space), Producers’ tents will be separated at least 10 feet from one another. For those markets where this is not an option (like the Union Square Greenmarket), we will reconfigure markets and limit the number of customers shopping at any given time. At all markets we will provide clear demarcations to keep shoppers at least 6 feet apart, and we will engage additional staff on the ground to help customers and Producers navigate these new systems.


  • 只有生产者和他们的员工可以处理产品. Customers must not touch any produce or products until after they have purchased (as mentioned above)
  • Market staff will separate farm stand spaces with at least 2 feet of distance between the tents, 尽可能多些, 减少交通堵塞
  • 在另行通知前,街市不会抽检货品
  • 苹果酒不能按杯出售
  • 所有制作人必须佩戴防护手套
  • All farm stands must use vinyl or plastic table covers for easy sanitizing
  • 所有生产者都需要定期对他们的摊位进行消毒, 主要是擦桌子, terminals, cash boxes, etc.
  • 所有bg视讯的员工和制作人如果生病必须呆在家里
  • All staff processing credit/debit/snap transactions must wear protective gloves
  • bg视讯将在bg视讯的市场经理站提供洗手液

Please respect our market staff on the front lines and the farmers behind the stands who are coming into the city to feed us.


今天早些时候,州长安德鲁. Cuomo announced he is signing the "New York State on PAUSE" executive order, 确保每个人的统一安全的10点政策. It includes a new directive that all non-essential businesses statewide must close in-office personnel functions effective at 8PM on Sunday, March 22. Guidance on essential services under the executive order is as follows:

基本业务或实体包括任何赢利或非赢利的, 不管服务的性质如何, 它们的功能, 或其公司或实体结构, 不受亲身前往的限制.


4. 基本零售,包括:

  • 杂货店包括所有食品和饮料商店
  • pharmacies
  • 便利店
  • farmer's market
  • gas stations
  • 餐厅/酒吧(只提供外卖/外送服务)
  • 五金和建筑材料商店

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