bg视讯's Beginner 花园er Intensive, June 1-4


Join us for a week-long virtual workshop series to get your garden project started!

本系列, comprised of four interactive virtual gardening, runs from Tuesday June 1st - Friday June 4th, and it will feature a different gardening workshop each day from 4pm-5pm (ET).

You can choose which workshops to tune into (or join us for 的m all!):

Tuesday 6/1: 花园 Basics!

Wed 6/2: Soil Health and Compost

Thursday 6/3: Increasing 花园 Production (Outdoor Growing)

Friday 6/4: Indoor 花园ing Ideas

This event is great for first-time gardeners, experienced gardeners who want a refresher, indoor apartment gardeners, backyard gardeners, school gardeners, 和更多的! Each workshop is around 45 minutes long with an audience Q&A在最后.

Here's 的 link 注册.

A Zoom link will be emailed to attendees.

If you have questions, email

Can't make 的 sessions? Recordings and follow up materials will be posted on after each session.




