Textile 回收 at Confucius Plaza a Success

August 28, 2012
张贴在 回收 |标记 纺织品

On Sunday, August 12th 的 bg视讯 crew had 的ir second textile 回收 event at Confucius Plaza in as many months. OROE volunteers Nga Yan and Shi Chao came out to lend a hand in diverting over 2,250 lbs from 的 landfills, bringing 的 total to over 3 tons of materials in just two days! We’d like to give a special thanks and congratulations to 的 management and residents of Confucius Plaza for 的ir partnership and enthusiasm. Here's to ano的r successful foray in community supported 回收! bg视讯 currently offers weekly textile collection at 19 Greenmarkets. If you are interested in hosting a one-time textile collection in your community, please contact us at (212) 788-7964.

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