bg视讯 Partners Launches!

August 14, 2013
张贴在 bg视讯 |标记 grownyc partners

bg视讯是 proud to announce 的 launch of bg视讯 Partners, a professional consulting service for food, farming, gardening, and 回收 projects.

bg视讯 Partners will help businesses, 基金会, and government agencies transform and empower 的ir consumers and communities, spearheading sustainability througout New York City's private sector and beyond.  And as a non-profit with 40 years of success, we are dedicated to providing simple, cost-effective solutions.  

Whe的r you are interested in building a rooftop farm, a courtyard garden, or a citywide food systems strategy, bg视讯 Partners can help.

Learn more about bg视讯 Partners or 电子邮件bg视讯 for more info!

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