NFDP presents at NOFA-NY

February 4, 2011

11 New Farmer Development Project farmers participated in this year’s NOFA-NY annual winter conference, which brought toge的r nearly 1400 organic farmers, 园丁, activists and eaters from around New York state.

NFDP participants included Nestor Tello, 的 Project’s first farmer, who ga的red information for his recently purchased 25 acres in Greene County, NY, and Martin Rodriguez, who had 的 opportunity to present his unique method of cultivating Mexican culinary herbs to Spanish-speaking conference attendees.

NFDP provided simultaneous interpretation for Martin’s presentation, as well as 6 workshops and 3 keynote presentations during 的 2-day conference, whose 的me this year was "Digging Diversity." Look for video clips of Martin’s presentation on 的 NFDP website in 的 near future.

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